Łukasz | 42
Łukasz | 42
  • Login: lukwoz28
2022-04-30 08:26:19

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Name: Łukasz

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Lives in: Leszno | Polska

On Buziak I am looking for: Women

Marital status: Single male

Education: Secondary

Attitude to smoking: I don't smoke

Attitude to alcohol: I like occasionaly

Children: I don't have

I would like children: Yes

Body type: Slim

Color of your hair: Light blonde

Color of your eyes: Blue

Height: 185 cm

I am looking for: Friendship, Love, Women

About me: Tak naprawdę w życiu nie ma nic cenniejszego niż... radość w oczach osoby na której ci zależy.

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