ulka | 72
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ulka | 72
- Login: tuberoza
- Activity: Today
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sierpien 2015
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sierpien 2015
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Send fast message:
Name: ulka
Age: 72
Sex: Female
Lives in: Białystok | Polska
On Buziak I am looking for: Men
Marital status: Divorced female
Education: Higher
Job: Pensioner
Attitude to smoking: I don't smoke
Attitude to alcohol: I like occasionaly
Children: I have
I would like children: No
Body type: Fluffy
Color of your hair: Light blonde
Color of your eyes: Hazel
Height: 160 cm
I am looking for: Friendship, Love, Men
About me: jestem energiczna,inteligentna,pracowita kobieta z duzym poczuciem humoru.prawnie wolna,bez nalogow,katoliczka.cenie sobie uczciwosc,lojalnosc,inteligencje,poczucie humoru i szacunek dla wszystkich zywych istot.
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